Basic stitches 2 give you an array of basic stitches you need to know. This web page gives you the how, when and where to use the different basic stitches. Bookmark this page as a reference.
Although we use sewing machines for the majority of our home sewing projects there are still certain projects that are done by hand. To complete the final touches often hand stitching is used. Below you get a run down of the different basic stitches and how, when and where to use them.

The running stitch is a tiny, even basting stitch used for gathering, shirring, and mending. It can be used where a strong stitch is unnecessary.
Gathering is not a stitch but is rather an effect. Make a row of running stitches, but at the end, do not fasten. Leave a piece of thread about four inches long, and, holding this tightly, push the material back gently so as not to break the thread. Wind the thread around a pin to hold.
Shirring is the effect gotten by two or more rows of gather ing. Make two or three lines of running stitches not more than ¼ inch apart and, holding all the ends together, gather and fasten threads around a pin.
Gauging is used to bring a large amount of material into a small space. Do two or three lines of uneven basting, making sure that corresponding stitches lie directly in line, one above the other. Pull up threads as in gathering and shirring.
Backstitching is the strongest handmade stitch. Take a tiny running stitch, go back to the end of the stitch, through to the wrong side, and out again to the right side at a distance from the end of the last stitch equal to one running stitch. Continue going back and under, being sure to work in a straight line.
A half backstitch is made by making one running stitch, going back, under, and out again as described above, except that you leave a space equivalent to two running stitches, and follow up by going back the equivalent of one running stitch. On the right side, then, the work looks like a series of running stitches. Like the combination stitch, below, it is used where you need a stitch stronger than a running stitch, but not as strong as a backstitch.
A combination stitch is two running stitches followed by one backstitch. It is stronger than a straight running stitch, but not as strong as backstitching.
Overcastting is used on fabric edges to prevent ravelling. Make stitches slanting from right to left on the right side and have needle point towards your left shoulder as you come through from the wrong to the right side again. Overcastting can also be done quickly on the modern zigzag type of machine.
Over handing is a stitch used to make flat, strong, invisible seams. Baste the two folds to be joined together and, holding the cloth firmly as you sew, make tiny, practically invisible stitches vertical to the seam line on the right side, and slanted on the wrong side. The same effect can be obtained by using a short zigzag machine stitch.
In hemming, turn in the edge of the fabric ¼inch, then turn second time, and baste to under fabric. Make small slanting stitches from right to left, catching only a thread or two of the under material. A bias hemming tape may be stitched on to avoid turning hem under. Blind hemming is done like hemming but with larger stitches through the fold and only one thread on under side. The work is invisible on the right side. This too can be done more rapidly with a sewing machine and is especially recommended when considerable hemming is to be done. Slip stitching is done for very fine work and is invisible on both sides. Take up one thread on under side of fold and one on underside of fabric.
Whipping is done to get a fine finished edge. Roll edge to be whipped a little at a time, wrong side facing you, hold roll tightly, and make tiny slanted stitches that pass under, not through the roll.
The above sewing instructions give you the techniques of how, when and where to use the different basic stitches for your home sewing projects.
Following are sewing tips and techniques about seams 1.